Bulova Quest: the Sag Harbor watches

Submitted by SeekingSagHarbor on August 24, 2021 - 6:50pm

Hi there. 

I'm turning 40 this year and was hoping to purchase my first Bulova watch. I'm doing a bit of research and hoping to find something that was made at the Sag Harbor factory. 

Excuse my ignorance, but were there actual models that can be traced to that specific factory? I'm sometimes confused whether they only made parts/pieces that were then shipped to other factories for assembly for the finished product.

If they did make complete watches, is there any easy way of knowing which ones? For example, are all watches made between 19__ and 19__ watches from the SH factory? Or are all Sea King watches? Or any watch that features a whale? I'm hoping to know that "key" so that way I can research further.

I grew up down the street from Sag Harbor--it's whaling history is very important to the town. I'd love to have the chance to wear a watch that came from my corner of the globe. Thanks so much for any and all guidance.


PS--and bonus, if there was any Sag Harbor built watch that came out in 1981...that'd be a near-instant purchase.

Posted August 24, 2021 - 8:39pm

Bulova closed their Sag Harbor factory in 1981, so there is a chance that one of the last watches produced came from that factory.

I'm not aware of what watches were produced, assembled in Bulova's many factories. Not sue if t was just cases, or just movements or the assembly of both. 

Posted August 25, 2021 - 12:21pm

In reply to by mybulova_admin

Slim chance at finding a 1981 SH watch, but at least there's a sliver of possibility there. Very interesting, thanks!

Posted August 25, 2021 - 12:22pm

In reply to by Geoff Baker

This was one of our local papers (I worked for a competitor). Great piece--does mention that most of the work produced out there during WWII (besides the obv. war effort materials) was on women's watch parts. 

Posted September 23, 2021 - 8:11am

from what i gathered the logo of the " WHALE" was Bulova's response to the change from WATERPROOF to WATER RESISTANT, they used the whale instated of the text water resistant  the company had a good sense of humor or odd ball quality much like when they printed 666 on the dial of their divers watches 

Posted April 20, 2024 - 3:54am

In reply to by camu

666 (feet) was the depth rating for the watch case, I highly doubt they were joking.  Imo the Whale is directly related to the whaling community of Sag Harbor NY, location of the Bulova case factory,

Could the Whale indicate a watch cased in Sag Harbor?  idk 

Posted April 20, 2024 - 7:24am

Might be worth asking someone who worked for Bulova at this time to see if the whale logo is indeed something more than just a depth raring sysmbol used by Bulova. Another great connection.

Posted April 20, 2024 - 9:11am

In reply to by mybulova_admin

The possible, but very strong,  association has been noted years ago Admin, in the archives titled  'That darn Whale'.  I'll try to find it/

Posted April 20, 2024 - 7:53am

If that factory didn't close until 1981 (43 years ago), you should be able to find someone still alive that worked there and would know if complete watches were made there and which models. 

Posted April 20, 2024 - 9:24am

In 1966 the citiens of Sag Harbor erected a memorial dedicated to the local whaling industry. 


In what Year does the Whale first appear on Bulova dials?  .......original Bulova dials. 

Posted April 21, 2024 - 5:56am

also another question:  Could a Bulova watch with the Whale on the dial indicate that it was cased at the Sag Harbor factory?  

I'm going with a Yes.

Posted April 21, 2024 - 7:15am

From what I can see with watches in the database the earliest use is 1969. There are a few 1967/68 cased watches, but for me they seem to have later 69 and 70 stamped movements, suggesting the movement/dial is still 1969 and onwards.

This isn't 100% confirmed, just what I've seen here on site. The first linebook that shows the whale is 1970, but they could be showing 1969 models.

Also first whale logo advert in the 'Vintage adverts'  secton is 1970.

Posted April 21, 2024 - 12:22pm

In reply to by mybulova_admin


We see some watches bearing the Whale while others do not, same Year, same model.

What is Your opinion on the Whale being an identifying factor for a Sag Harbor cased watch? 

I'm curious.  

Personally, I think it's a very strong possibility given the history of Sag Harbor and it's relationship to Bulova Watch Co.. 

Posted April 21, 2024 - 6:40pm

In reply to by FifthAvenueRes…

I've also been curious as to its usage. 

I always put it down to certain models having a different waterproof depth rating than others, but if we can say that the logo appears on some watches of the same model and year, then there must be another reason.

I certainly like the idea that the logo symbolises that the watch was produced in the Sag Harbour factory.

Now to prove or disprove.

Posted April 27, 2024 - 5:39pm

Searching for a correlation between Bulova, the Whale and 1969, yet...but it appears that the Whales' familiar image preceded Bulovas use on its dials.  

Video clip of the 1969 Old Whalers festival, no mention of Bulova but our Whale can be seen at several moments floating in the harbor. 


Posted April 27, 2024 - 5:43pm

There's no denying, that's Him...

Posted May 4, 2024 - 12:58pm

In reply to by FifthAvenueRes…

That one is my watch. I noted in that thread that my serial number was only two off from the posted one and yet mine doesn't have the 'Sea King' on the dial, which I thought was interesting.

Posted May 3, 2024 - 6:52pm

In reply to by mybulova_admin

Here is an example admin:

Same case, dial, movement, Year (N2), Model - 'PRESIDENT' 


Our Whale appears on one but not the other...

Posted May 4, 2024 - 2:48am

Several theories have been floated about the Bulova Whale through the Years, one being that the Whale indicated a 'SEA KING' model.  We now know that isn't so.  We also now know that the Whale image, logo, silhouette whatever You want to call it isn't Bulovas' at all.  It belongs to the citizens of Sag Harbor in Long Island, NY. 

A good question raised in the original post is did Bulova case watches at the Sag Harbor facility or simply produce watch cases there?



Postcard circa 1912 


Posted May 4, 2024 - 8:55pm

Note sure if we have seen or posted this before, but I've just come across this 2001 article from The New York Times.

Sag Harbor Factory's Toxic Legacy Lingers

Some key statements:

  • BUILT in 1881 by the son-in-law of a whaler on the site of a cotton mill built by out-of-work whaling captains, the Bulova Watch Case building once anchored Sag Harbor's industrial economy.
  • 1881, when Joseph Fahys, a German immigrant, married a local woman and moved his watch-making business from Queens to Sag Harbor.
  • Bulova bought the factory from the Fahys heirs in 1936 and closed its operation there in 1981.
  • Watchcase Factory Associates, which bought the building from Bulova for an undisclosed sum, remains the owner.