Submitted by vintagebulova.com on February 9, 2012 - 6:49am

It's good to see the return of myBulova. 


http://vintagebulova.com  ™

Stephen Ollman
Posted February 9, 2012 - 6:54am

Hopefully everyone likes the new features, small they may be.

Posted February 9, 2012 - 8:51am

good idea jay, id probably miss something just looking for myself. think the trade forum will be interesting. i know ill be listing as soon as i get a new camera or borrow one.

Posted February 9, 2012 - 1:35pm

Well, the 1st thing I see is a "Flag this comment for review" option. A very much needed and welcome new feature.

Posted February 9, 2012 - 1:00pm

I'm sure Shawn meant 'flag'.

WB MyBulova!

Posted February 9, 2012 - 3:48pm

In reply to by bourg01

Spell checker should now be working. When you add a comment you should now see two new icons at the end that spell check for you.

List of new features and changes is listed under the  IMPORTANT NOTICES on the front page.


Posted February 9, 2012 - 4:03pm

Well done admin, nice updates!

Posted February 9, 2012 - 4:23pm

Thx Stephen,

The updates are awesome, well worth the downtime. If you could post or pm us in advance the next time you take the site down it would be most appreciated.

Regards Shawn

Posted February 9, 2012 - 4:36pm

Ya, the 'panel' should be back - allowing Members unfamiliar with Bulova to rate or opinionate Watches is a move in the wrong direction.


William Smith
Posted February 9, 2012 - 7:33pm

I'm still trying to figure that one out Fifth.  I didn't think the "panel" was gone?  Until a non-panel member gives some stars, I don't know for sure how it will display.  It kinda looks to me  like there will be two sets of star ratings.  One by panel members, and one by "others" (which may or may not include panel members votes)?  Maybe I got this wrong.  I would like the "two sets of star ratings" senario, but will not be casting stars on an ID if it is calculated into the overall ID rating- the one the panel of experts use to populate.  I don't think I have the knowledge to do that, and my "opinion" may weaken the credibility or reliability of the resulting star rating.

I will go give some stars to a model example in the database which has one star, based on my opinion - which with my knowledge is at best a guess-  to see if there are "two sets of stars" or one.  I see there is the option for members-at-large to "cancle"or remove their rating, so I can undo afterwards. 

William Smith
Posted February 9, 2012 - 7:35pm

In reply to by William Smith

whoops ...where are my manners.  Thanks Stephen for all yoru hard work and updates on the site.  Lots of good new functionality.  Great work!

William Smith
Posted February 9, 2012 - 8:06pm

So I updated my Sky King at:  http://www.mybulova.com/watches/1930-Sky-King-55

It had incorrect jewel count based on old DB entry format from a year ago.  There are other issues which make this entry more a frankenbully than a Sky king.  However I also gave three stars to the ID in the new "Your Model ID Rating" field. 

Before I assigned stars, the previous model ID rating had one star.  After I added my stars, there were two graphics for ratings, and the previous panel model ID rating changed from one star to two stars.  So maybe my personal ID rating does impact the previous panel star rating? See below:


Posted February 9, 2012 - 8:21pm

To clarify the model rating system.

The group 'Panel member' has now gone as all registered members of the site now have the equal ability to cast their model ID rating.

The stars on the left give the average of rating given by all members, so it basically is a majority rules thing.

The stars on the right show what rating you gave that particular watch.

Hope that helps to explain.

William Smith
Posted February 9, 2012 - 8:29pm

Thanks Admin

Now I gots it.  Great work on the spell checker and ad to my favorites and everything else.  Thanks for all your hard work.  Personally I'll be very careful before assiging stars to an ID if I do it at all....remember I hit save on post where I called an automatic and accurton :)  At least both words start with letter A.

Posted February 9, 2012 - 9:04pm


I would ask that You reconsider the decision to dismember the 'panel'.

Case in point - a 1953 'THAYER' just added to the database which has a 3 Star rating.



The Watch is obviously a 1953 'CLIPPER' as clearly indicated in this 1953 ad.


"Too many cooks spoil the broth".



Posted February 10, 2012 - 3:29am

In reply to by FifthAvenueRes…

Fifth, I hope you rated the model name with one star like I did. I agree that the owner has mis-ID'd his watch but that is part of the learning curve and the purpose of opening up the star rating system to all. I'm hoping that more people embrase the excitement that goes with hunting and confirming the model of a watch, owner of the watch more so.

There has been way to much reliance on panel members to do all the hard work and this in turn has limited the 'thrill of the hunt' for the normal person visiting this site looking to see what vintage Bulova model they have.

The rating system will work fine as long as the 'majority' of people here do their homework.

Posted February 9, 2012 - 9:08pm

Nice to have MyBulova back up and running...

Lots of nice upgrades and helpful features, Thanks Admin!

I do have to agree with Fifth, allowing everyone to rate a watch will do more harm than good...kind of like we are back where we started 10 months ago...maybe it would be better to just drop the rating system??

William Smith
Posted February 9, 2012 - 9:19pm

It's early in this change, but a thought- Perhaps panel reinstated.  Panel members, as experts, vote for set of "panel ID rating" stars at left of screen, and a second combined "opinions of all members" (including panel) totaled for "all members ID rating" at the right?   This would give both ratings without "watering down" expert opinion?

Posted February 9, 2012 - 9:33pm

As a new member, I don't see the point in having 2 sets of ratings. If a layman has an opinion on the authenticity of a particular model then he/she can comment or question in the thread, where it can be debated.