Coned hairspring repair

Submitted by Pinout on July 29, 2021 - 11:12am

Anyone know what to do about a stretched HS resulting in a cone? 

I give up trying to load a pic.

I removed a HS from a staked balance wheel. Thinking it was free I picked it up quickly like I would  a screw. Once detecting resistance it was too late. The entire spring stretched out was deformed very evenly into a cone or volcano if you will ‘in the flat’.  It looks great ‘head on’ looking from the top or bottom with no distortion ‘in the round’.

Some have told me it can be fixed by inserting a broach and applying pressure in the reverse direction  of the cone OR by griping a spot on the coil pulling on the end or the stud, I’m not sure.

I have spent many hours different spring maladies with mixed success. Never encountered this type before and really need to save this spring if possible. Can’t find info that would make me confident enough to try it. So basically I’m a little chicken and could use some HELP!!

Thanks and hope this makes sense.

John T.


Posted July 29, 2021 - 11:15pm

It's a lost cause. LOL.  I have about 100 watches with hairsprings I messed up.  

Posted July 30, 2021 - 12:51pm

What movement is it?Someone might have a NOS replacement.

Posted August 15, 2021 - 1:01pm


I just happened to see these thread responses through an on-line search on the subject. Can’t seem to locate my question on the site. Go figure. May have been deleted. 

Agree, odds are that in my hands it likely is a lost cause. Research on plausible methods and applying hands on to practice springs indicates to me it can be done by somebody. Likely a watchmaker or lottery winner who can beat the odds. Gonna have  to keep plugging until fixed or botched though. Another ‘learning experience’.

The watch is outside the interest of this site. Hairspring issues are universal and of interest to many. Thus the inquiry and answers could potentially benefit all. Info on this is scarce and sketchy. Thanks though.

John T.