Wanted: Gold Lance/baton style hands (minute/Hour) for an 11AC movement

Submitted by GVP on November 14, 2012 - 4:42am

I have an unknown model here in need of hands. I have lots of NOS 10 calibre hands and 7 calibre but none to fit this 11AC movement. PM if you can help. Thanks. Gary

Posted November 15, 2012 - 10:54pm

Can you send me a picture of the watch with the dial on it. I may be able to help.


Posted November 19, 2012 - 1:57am

I found my stash of gold lance style hands and will try them on an 11AC movement to see if they will fit, if they do I will PM you.

Posted November 19, 2012 - 9:07pm

I find I don't have an 11AC to try them on. Can you measure the length from center hole to tip and the hole size?? If not, I will try to find an 11AC to try them on after the holiday and see if they will work. I think they will but can't be sure with out trying them on a movement.


Posted December 20, 2012 - 1:31pm

I just acquired an 11AC and will try my hands on it later today and let you know.
